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Avez-vous des compétences dont vous voulez nous faire profiter? Vous voulez parler de la création d'espaces communautaires positifs? Vous voulez vous assurer qu'il y aura une belle sortie à vélo pendant le Congrès? Suggérez une présentation! Vous n'avez pas à être expert(e). L' avis du plus grand nombre possible des membres des ateliers communautaires nous intéresse.

  • $$$: Sliding Scale, At-Cost, Grants, etc.

    38 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    How do you keep the lights on at your bicycle program?

    Are you a non-profit? For-profit? No money involved?

    Small-scale? Large-scale? Somewhere in between?

    Do you sell/exchange goods and services at a sliding-scale cost? At-cost?? For free???

    I want to facilitate a financial discussion on creative ways to fund long-term community bicycle projects, ranging from Do-It-Yourself workshop spaces to youth programming to whatever else you're up to in your city/town/village.

    Background: Pierre is a volunteer member of the Spokeland Bicycle Cooperative, a DIY nonprofit (501c3) bicycle workshop in Oakland, CA. Spokeland's biggest expense is rent, followed by new parts/accessories purchasing. These expenses are funded primarily through the exchange of used bicycles and parts for monetary donations. Spokeland is open for at least 11 hours every week, and at least 3 days per week.

  • A discussion on working together with other organizations in your city, region, or network

    25 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    We'll host a discussion on why and how to collaborate with other organizations in your home city or region. Volunteers and staff from several community bike shops in Toronto and Vancouver will share how we're already meeting regularly, cooperating on launching a standardized survey, and sharing resources.

    We also want to hear about your experiences (or hopes) of working with other organizations in your city, region, or network! Discussion questions we'd like to explore include: do you already collaborate? What are some benefits and barriers to working with other shops? What are some collaboration best practices? How do you motivate people to come to meetings? What are some ways to share resources among shops of different sizes and structures? And do so equitably?

  • Attracting and Maintaining Volunteers

    73 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    Volunteers are the heart and muscle of many organizations. With so many causes, efforts, projects out there for people to commit their valuable time and energy, how do you attract excellent volunteers to your organization? More importantly, once someone shows up once, how do you keep them coming back?

    During this discussion, we will start by breaking down what gets people through the door in the first place. I will share my own experiences through bicycle and food security organizing and encourage a discussion among participants. We will then explore aspects of what keeps people coming back, growing with the organization, and really making it a part of their lives.

  • Bicicletas y sonoridad

    7 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    Explorar y construir mediante el reciclaje Caminos y Remolques Sonoros.

    El paseo ciclista y la sonoridad. Creación comunitaria..

  • Bicycling and the law

    5 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    Hear Josh Cohen, the Los Angeles Bicycle Attorney, explain the legal issues surrounding bicycling, particularly the importance of insurance if you are ever hit by a car while cycling. This information is indispensable!

  • Bike and Culture Collaborations

    6 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    The arts are an opportunity to unite a broader audience with bicycling both culturally and in practice. Learn about bike projects that have been largely funded by arts foundations and how to do it yourself. 

  • Bike Coop Employees

    20 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    I work for a non-profit Bike Coop in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. We are a fairly young Coop (6 years old) and each year we grow and develop our programing and structure. The Coop has employed part-time Mechanics to a Volunteer Coordinator and now have a Operations Manager (myself).

    This presentation will be on the how The Bridge City Bicycle Coop has developed from it's humble beginnings running out of a group of bike enthusiasts garage to what we are today.

    All Coop start somewhere and it can be very helpful to hear how others have been successful or even unsuccessful. There will be time for group discussion about the different structures and employment of other coops.

  • Bike Touring and Bike Packing with Youth

    19 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    Interested in starting a youth bike touring or outdoor adventure cycling program? Looking for ways to improve the program you already have? Come hear some tips on getting started from three different organization's perspectives on bicycle touring, bike packing, and mountain biking with youth.

  • Bike Trains Presentation

    12 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    presented by LA Bike Trains. introduction to the history, potential variations & future of Bike Train projects.

  • Bikes for All! Increase access and minimize barriers to the bicycle as a vehicle of change

    67 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    Join me in a discussion of the process involved in organizing youth and adult community bike giveaways - diverting bicycles from the waste stream and through predominately volunteer hours returning them to members of our community who do not have access to a bicycle - for free!

    In partnership with community organizations and public schools, in 2017 over 650 participants received bicycles in SE Seattle and beyond through Bike Works programming. Ranging from 351 youth ages 2 - 8 in Kids Bike-O-Rama, 78 youth between 3rd and 5th grade receiving free or reduced lunch in Seattle public schools through UGottaGetABike BMX bike-giveaways, and 229 low-income adults over age 18 received a commuter bike, lights, lock, and a helmet through our Bikes for All! program.

    We will walk through the procurement, triage, staff and volunteer labor, application process, scheduling, and day-of logistics for coordinating multiple, recurring community bike events. We've learned a lot about facilitating community bike events but still face challenges like day-of attendance and best practices for registration.

    I'll lead the conversation with detailed examples of processes and arrangements we've had success with and open it up for others to share their successes and challenges.

  • Bikes Without Borders

    71 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    A dialogue about the potential and opportunities for international exchanges, collaborations, internships, residencies and other alternative forms of knowledge and capacity-sharing.

    Bike!Bike! presents a unique opportunity for collectives and projects from multiple countries to get to know each other, find common objectives, define mutually beneficial projects, and set a collaboration process in motion.

    Examples from both the bike community and other environments will be presented. A multiplicity of financial vehicles for these types of international collaborative relationships will be explored.

    20 minute presentation and 40 minute dialogue.

  • Biking from Youth

    19 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    L.A. Rooted Youth would like to lead a panel/discussion about the youth's perception of "Biking in Urban Settings". The intention of the discuss is to hear the youth out, to discover what some of the needs of youth are, and for the youth to encourage varies bike collectives to start more youth biking programs in the city.

  • CANCELED: Bike Polo for Total Beginners

    40 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    This workshop, led by Gillian Wu, Eva Mennigan, and Leah Wulfman of Los Angeles Bike Polo, is intended as a safe space for total beginners to learn the basics of BIKE POLO!

    Bring your bike and borrow a mallet for a hands-on workshop where you'll learn the basics of bike polo's rules, how to stay safe on the court, and basic skills like tripods, bunny hops, and ball handling.

  • Chief Lunes: Community Meeting and Justice for Woon!

    Cette présentation intéresse une personne.

  • Conflict resolution with staff and customers

    11 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    This is intended to be an open discussion about how different shops handle conflict resolution between their members, and how they handle difficult "customers".

    Bikerowave, open mainly at night, certainly has a large number of intoxicated, beligerant, and sometime very "olfactory challening" folks coming in our doors. How do you deal with these situations in your shop?

    Also, how do you deal with interpersonal conflict within your organization? Do you have a board that votes to ban or suspend access? Is it left to the entire membership? Do you use moderators?

  • Create your own decals!

    70 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    A fun crafting work shop. I will bring supplies to create decals. More details to be written as I think of them.

  • Create Your Own Workshop

    Cette présentation intéresse une personne.

    Didn’t see a workshop you wanted to see? Create your own in true DIY fashion.

  • Events and how to establish a comunity connections

    45 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    To learn where an how to connect I want to share experiences of doing 100's of events and establishing connections in community and establishing relationships to help your organization

  • Experimentaciones e invenciones pedaLúdicas

    26 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    El conocimiento es el resultado de un juego de confrontación entre el instinto y el saber. Esta batalla genera un compromiso que emerge a partir de un choque, explosión descarnada que da lugar al conocimiento.

    Nos centraremos en el problema del armado de un laboratorio que piense y replantee los límites de la bicicleta como herramienta cultural con el objeto de proponer acciones urbanas. La bicicleta como laboratorio de experimentación, siempre en movimiento, rodando, permitiéndonos entender el mundo de diferentes maneras.

    Presentaremos tres proyectos de estudio en desarrollo en nuestro taller. Cada uno propone un dispositivo particular, producto de la sinergia de oficios y saberes distintos, donde nuestra querida amiga la Bici es siempre el punto de partida. Nos preguntaremos cómo armar un taller horizontal y heterogéneo, donde los aportes de lxs participantxs confluyan armónicamente para lograr un nuevo gran (bici) invento.

    Proyecto Z: bici para rodar sobre rieles ferroviarios, que experimenta una relación con el paisaje diferente. Viajar con la Bici por lugares no usuales desde perspectivas únicas.

    Proyecto G: bici con capacidades de expresión gráfica, deja huellas al andar: dibuja, mancha, llena de color su camino.

    Proyecto N: bici nocturna que recolecta y transforma la energia ambiental (ondas de luz y sonoras) condicionando su cadencia y andar según los estímulos registrados, tocando música y proyectando otra luminosidad por la ciudad.

    ALGUNAS PREGUNTAS: se trata de inventar la bici como dispositivo para registrar el habitar urbano desde otro lugar? la bici es un habitante urbano? en bici somos distintos habitantes? somos centaurxs cuando montamos nuestras bicis?

  • Hands-Off Teaching: How to keep the wrench in the patron's hand

    9 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    For those of us who struggle with not doing the work for our patrons, learn tips and tricks to keep the wrench in the hands of those learning how to fix their bikes!

    First presented at Bike!Bike! 2010 in Toronto, this workshop discusses a philosophy based around teaching rather than DOING, and the challenges of instructing in a Do-It-Yourself workspace.

    We will share challenges, techniques, hot tips, and a hands-on/off exercise involving fruit ;)

  • Hosting Art Workshops - and fun things to make with Bike Tubes

    24 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    What can a recycled art program add to your community project? At BICAS art is an important part of what we do, but you don't need any fancy resources to integrate simple recycled art projects into your community bike shop. Art projects are a great way to engage youth, elders, and creative community members.  We will present easy straight-forward projects that you can bring out to events, schools or use as a fundraiser! 

    In this workshop, we will be making hands-on craft projects from old bike tubes and simple tools. 

  • How do you do what you do?

    20 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

    Several cooks at Los Angeles Bicycle Kitchen went on a field trip to another community bike shop recently that operated very differently from us, which got us thinking how many different ways are there?

    For example, Bicycle Kitchen/La Bici-Cocina has six stands with six different colored tool boards, each with its own set of tools open to all for use ranging from various wrenches (in which 15mm mysteriously disappears) and hex keys to headset cup remover and brake centering tools.