The Global Bike Mechanics Work Exchange and Matchmaking: Sharing Hearts and Bike Grease

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Have you ever wondered what an alternate reality actually feels like? Ever dreamed of tasting the enchanting dollops of bike grease, climbing the rugged tire-mountains, or drowning in ecstasy through the entangling bike tubes of a TOTALLY DIFFERENT place? A Bike Mechanics Exchange may be the perfect thing to glean hands-on inspiration to enhance our own shop operations and community impact.

Come join us as we share our collective experiences and explore the opportunities of a Mechanic (or other) Staff-Swap with another bike shop in your town, another state, or nation.

We’ll also leverage the development of a match-making toolkit and online resource for connecting interested bike shops with mechanics itching to cross-pollinate ideas and broaden perspectives.  Together, let's decide on a good platform, how tight or loose should be the requisites, expectations and objectives, and how to tackle the problems inherent to traveling and working across borders




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