Volunteer Training and "How-To" Guides

41 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

Like many groups, our organization relies heavily on volunteers for its operations, so volunteer training is an integral part of the success of our programs. Through the process of constantly evaluating and improving our volunteer training process, we have created “how-to" guides to effectively explain tasks to volunteers as a key part of training, which we have found very successful. We would like to share in a collaborative way what we have learned and how these guides can help other organizations that also face the crucial responsibility of volunteer training.

We will give everyone the template that we use to produce a guide for any task (mechanical or not) and demonstrate how to use them by breaking out into small groups and having everyone fill out the template for a specific task. Following this will be an open discussion of what went well, what not-so-well, and how this tool can be improved and integrated for the needs of your own organization.




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