Resourcfullness with SWAG (Stuff We've All Got)

29 personnes s'intéressent à cette présentation.

Many of us came to this work for environmental reasons -- to keep bikes out of the waste stream, get folks out of cars, etc. -- but how much do we take time to do in our day-to-day work to be truly "sustainable"?

Share tips and tricks for repurposing bike parts on scales from large (temporary parking racks for 500 bikes) to modest (a couple of no-weld bike trailer designs will be built) to small (renounce zip ties!). Bring and demonstrate or explain examples of your best practices for re-use of bike parts; case studies of waste-reduction (e.g. what do you do with scrap tires?!); and use of Appropriate Technology (pedal-powered) tools.

Note: other sessions have been proposed for shop infrastructure eco-friendliness, and everything you can do with used innertubes; so the scope of this workshop will focus on things to make & do with scrap bike parts.

If you have stuff to make please request to co-facilitate and submit a quick description of what you would like to demonstrate in the "Notes" section. We may need to select some to present, and compile the rest online in print, pictures, video, etc. If you don't want to present, but do have resources to share, (Instructables page, videos, plans, How-to guides, etc.) please add links to them in the comments section here. Thank you!




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